From lifelong space enthusiasts – to aspiring astronauts, the crowd at the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) was excited to meet a very special guest speaker. Astronaut Jeremy Hansen visited Regina Thursday – where he spoke about NASA’s upcoming Artemis II Mission. This is just a stepping stone in the Artemis program which will eventually return humans to the surface of the moon,” Hansen explained. “We have our eye on Mars and the reason were really doing this is were pushing humanity by setting big goals. Goals that are big enough to bring people together, not just from one country but around the world. In 2025, the London, Ontario born astronaut will be the first Canadian to travel to the moon. Hansen took the opportunity at FNUniv to unveil his personal mission patch – based on artwork by artist Henry Guimond of Sagkeeng First Nation in Manitoba. In the patch you see the seven sacred laws which are really instructions for us, reminders for us as to what to aspire to as humans,” Hansen said. “For how we walk on this planet and the same for me, as I represent Canadians going on this mission.” In preparation for the journey, Hansen has been invited by numerous indigenous communities to learn from elders and knowledge keepers. A process the astronaut found both meaningful and beneficial. When I listen to Indigenous elders, the things they say, make me nod my head and say ‘yes, theres great truth in there.’ and there is always little nuggets, things I havent thought of when you listen to someone new,” he explained. “So I think what I want to highlight there is they strike me as great truths and wisdom that is worth listening to.” Amongst the crowd was fifth grader Darling Beaton, who like Hansen, has her eyes on the sky. She said she took away an important piece of advice. It will be hard to be one – but just dont give up. Hansen will serve as a Mission Specialist on NASA’s Artemis II Mission in September of 2025. A Colonel in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Hansen will join a crew of four for nine days to travel further than any other humans have travelled before, marking the first crewed mission to the moon since 1972.