The City of Regina says it is continuing discussions with businesses surrounding the future site of a new permanent emergency shelter. Through focus groups, businesses within a 250-meter radius of 1600 Halifax Street have been invited to attend the sessions to provide insight and bring concerns forward. “The goal of those sessions is really just to hear from the community,” said city coordinator of community mobilization Taya Triffo. “What [businesses] need to have the shelter successfully come to the community.” The location at the former Eagles Club was first brought forward and approved by council in September last year. At the time, surrounding businesses said they had not be consulted by the city regarding the idea. Administration’s reasoning was they needed to identify and approve a location first before consultation would occur. Triffo says several focus group sessions have already taken place. Through them, the hope is to build a ‘Good Neighbour Plan’ to ensure the shelter’s success, while addressing the concerns of the community located nearby. “The philosophy behind the good neighbor plan is that it’s a shared responsibility for the shelters to be a success. And it’s really important to be proactive,” Triffo said. The city says safety is one of the largest concerns. Triffo says solutions as simple as added lighting or accessible walking paths are in the works to address those concerns. “We’re at the stage now of just compiling [concerns] and then we’ll sit down and develop some approaches,” Triffo said. “Then we’ll take them to council to get their thoughts as well.” “[The city’s] main concern is really about setting that good neighbor plan up before the shelter opens so that everyone is confident in our approach and our commitment to working together,” she added. At its Jan. 29 meeting, city council amended administration’s directive regarding the emergency shelter to ensure additional guidelines of ongoing consultation were continued throughout the space’s opening. “It was just to make sure that we [have] the leeway to work with the businesses and not and not have any kind of barriers there,” Mayor Chad Bachynski told reporters following that meeting. “We want to be very open and to make sure we have the ability to work with everybody around there.” The building is to undergo some renovations before the city can open its doors to those who need it. Triffo said the emergency shelter is scheduled to open in July 2025.